Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This chicks running away!

I'm in a funk... sometimes I just feel overwhelmed. Annalise has been a little demanding and by little that is as sarcastic as it comes. I can't even step a foot away from her without her totally freaking out and having a complete meltdown. I honestly love that girl more than life itself, however I do not love to be connected to her 24 hours a day. And that is how we are right now... for the past 11 almost 12 months.

She is such a demanding little girl. My son also is pulling on my tolerance cables and this mommy feels like running away. I love my children with every ounce of my soul but I must say for the past 6 years that I've been a mother I feel like I've been the most unselfish mother... I feel like it's time for me to start being a little selfish. My whole world revolves around my kids so much so that sometimes I've forgotten who I am besides a mother. What did I like/love to do before I became pregnant? What were my passions? If someone would have asked me that question I would not have an answer.

I love my life and I love being a mother, that is one thing I've always wanted to be. But as they get older and as I get older (my birthday is tomorrow people)... I've realized that I need to become a little more selfish and start DEMANDING time for myself. It's time for Mike to step in and take the reins with Annalise... he's real good about his time with Jared, but we need to work on Anna. What will I do with myself and my selfish time? And I also need to stop calling it "selfish time" because there is nothing selfish about spending sometime away from the kids. If I don't start doing it now I may make myself crazy, cause sometimes I feel crazy!

As I mentioned this above, my birthday is tomorrow. I am going to be 28, OH MY GOSH 2 more years and I'm gonna be 30. I totally feel like it was yesterday and I turned 18 where has the time gone?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Question from Audrey!

If you could go back and re-live one day in your life... which one would it be?

This question was from a reader, Audrey whom I've known since I was in 5th grade. I haven't responded to this question since she posted it because... well I have been stuck on what day I would relive. To be honest I'm not even sure how or what to answer.

Obviously (well maybe not) there could be SOOOO many choices. The day my children were born, the day I got married. I mean honestly how do you answer such a question? But as I sat here something came to mind, my grandfather. My grandpa passed away when I just found out that I was pregnant with Jared. Since that day I have truly and utterly missed my grandpa. It's not like we were "close", but he was someone that I obviously loved.

So that answer to your question Audrey is this...

I was living in Spokane (not that long) and I received a call from a friend that someone I had known passed away. I decided then that I was going to make the trip over to my hometown to go to the funeral. I made arrangements to stay with my grandma and grandpa. I think that I stayed there for a week. I mostly just hung out with my friends and went to the funeral and such. I also made a trip with a few friends to Dirt Cup (one of the funnest times I've had). The day or 2 before I left back to Spokane I remember sitting on the couch with my grandparents, 1 on either side of me just watching tv. Although nothing significant happened any of those days I just remember feeling such peace sitting next to them. The older my grandpa got the more love he carried with him. I should mention also that at this point he was very sick, it was maybe 4 months or so before he passed away.

And that was the last time I saw my grandpa "coherent"... the next time I saw him was to say goodbye and tell him that it was ok for him to go to heaven.

So I would re-live the day sitting on my grand-parents couch and just savor that moment, not knowing then that it would be one of the last times I would ever get to sit with him again!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I have had 100 blog posts, AMAZING!!! I wasn't sure how this whole blog thing would work, if I would like it or not. Well I love it and I love all my readers, even if you guys don't leave me comments (just a few of you do). I know some how you are out there!I wanted to do something big for my 1ooth, but doing '100 things you don't know about me' seems hard and time consuming. Time is something I don't have a lot of these days.

I would like my LOVELY readers to ask me some questions on things you would like to know about me. The last time I did this I think I only got like 2 questions. I know you people are out there, show me what you got?Well I am just waiting for the baby to get up and I'm heading over to my sis in-laws to watch the game. GO SEAHAWKS!


In a minuet after this I'll be posting my 100th blog... the reason well it wasn't my 100th until I did the post. Yesterday it said I was at 99 and then I posted my 100th and then it only said 99... so to make it official here is 99 and next is 100.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Gotta love the funny things in life!

So a lot of you may know from my last blog or so that I electrocuted myself... well we had a repair man come look and see what was wrong with the dryer today. Well I thought you all may want to get a laugh...

The dryer was fine! For one reason or another the 2 breakers that make the dryer go, well they popped. So we paid $78 to have the guy come out and pop a switch.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh and did I mention?


Taking a break!

So I electrocuted myself today. Our dryer isn't working well or well at all... so Mike told me to check the cords in the back, he forgot to tell me not to touch- SO I TOUCHED and well the rest is history. I cried and cried; 1 because it scared me and 2 it took my breath away and 3 IT SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME. I'm not feeling like myself so I'm gonna take it easy the rest of the day and not blog at nap time. I'm gonna watch a movie.

Sleepy, sleepy...

ME!!! I think everything has finally caught up to me. I slept in this morning and got yelled at by Mike (in his underwear) because Mandy (my sister in-law) was pounding on the door. I watch my nephew 4 days a week and well I guess I slept through my alarm. AHHHHH!!! That is so not like me either, I am up and ready for the day a 1/2 hour before she usually gets here, ooops! Ryker told me, "I was knock knocking, where were you?"

So the sleeping thing with Anna wasn't as bad as the night before, but she is still getting up about every 2 hours... and she is such a restless sleeper. I can't figure this girl out. Oh and I jinxed myself to. The whole doing 1 nap thing did NOT work yesterday, I had to do 2 because she was just so tired. So we will keep plugging away, but for goodness sake... I REALLY NEED SOME SLEEP!

Ok I will post again when the kids are napping, until then enjoy this beautiful almost fall day!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This and that!

Hello good afternoon! Wow it seems the only time I have TIME is when the kids finally take their naps... Which has been about 11 o'clock and I've gotten (knock on wood) them both into that routine. I've been trying to only give Annalise 1 nap and so far so good, but in the evening around 6pm we are super whinny. And by we I mean Anna!

Last night was a tough night for me... I mean this morning. 3:30 am the little brat (I mean angel) got up and would not go back to sleep. I just laid next to her and tried to sleep but lightly so I could keep a closed eye on her. However hard I tried I fell asleep at 5:30am to a still awake baby who then fell off the bed. OOPS! She freaked, as she should have. Mike who was in sleeping with Jared (don't ask) came in and held her and rocked her and then we all fell asleep. I don't know what it is about Annalise and nighttime sleeping, but it doesn't seem to happen for long and very soundly. She tosses and turns and honestly drives me insane. I really hope that it's only because of the 4 teeth she is getting at the same time on top. Yes you heard right 4 flipping teeth at once.

So you might be wondering how everything is going around here... Well to be honest they are going pretty well. It's taken a while to get all settled and we still have some settling to do... but we are good. I feel at peace with our decision. I do miss my family and friends up north, but we'll be making a trip up north soon. Our house is 1 story which I'm very thankful for, it seems so much easier to keep track of Anna. It's in a cute little neighborhood and we TRY to take a walk every night. Oh and I cannot believe that I forgot to share this awesome news. Mike got a new job at Cabelas!!! I am so very proud of him. He is finally getting the things he deserves and it's taken a long time of crap for him to finally get it. He got the job and great pay with good benefits we hope. I will keep you all posted!

As far as pictures. Well my camera is full and I have to find a way to get them on a disk (I cannot on my computer), but I will load up some pics of the house and the kids soon! Ok off to finish up some of my chores while the kiddo's sleep!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My 1st grader!

Here he is, the BIG 1st grader... with the big 1st grader attitude. Although this has been a very taxing 2 weeks, I am very very proud of my little man. Big things and big changes for him. He now goes full days instead of 1/2 days, and well he's a first grader. Plus we moved and that has to change things for him right? He seems to like it, although he says he hates it.
He's a great kid with a big heart and I love him so very much! Boy how things have changed for us all lately. I'll do separate posts for each change so it's easier to follow... The kiddo's (Anna and Ryker) are both taking their naps so I took this moment to get caught up on all the blogging I HAVE to do. For now enjoy the pics of my handsome 1st grader and I must go tend to the folding of the dreaded laundry!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am so sorry!

I said I was back and then look what happened, I fell off the face of the planet. I honestly don't know what is going on? I have been so BUSY! I'm not sure what I'm busy with, but my head is spinning. I go all day long and by the end of the day I am just so tired. I actually had to take a nap today while Anna napped. If you know me at all then you know that is not like me (AT ALL).

I promise, pinkie swear, cross my heart and hope to... (well I don't hope to die)... but I PROMISE I will post about all the things that have been going on. But I have to go to bed now because I am driving up north for only a brief moment so Mike can get his bike. Then I have to head back so I can pick Jared up from school. But I promise once we all get back into the swing of things around here I'll be back for good.

Aren't you all excited???

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The move

So I'm gonna start with the move and I'll try and keep them separate so you can follow along better.

The move... I was not sure how it was all gonna work, but like everything it always does. Mike and a few others loaded the truck while I dealt with the kids (Anna is a PAIN!). Tried to clean as much as I could with the help of my mom. I'm thinking it took about 2 hours to pack up what we could and then we were OFFFFF... The long drive to Lacey. I had to make a detour to my dads to pick up my sunglasses and a gift from them.

The gift, all I'll say is- IT WAS TRULY AN AMAZING GIFT! Then I tried to catch up to the caravan ahead of me but we got stuck in traffic.

Ok so I've decided that this blog is pretty much boring... so here it is. We made it and unloaded the truck. The next morning Mike and I made a group decision that I should come up and try to get some more stuff done there. After a busy day at the house I decided to spend the night at my dads. Then Tuesday morning the kids and I headed back to our "new" home in Lacey. Next blog will be coming shortly. I have no new pics as I didn't take any of the move or well anything. I will also be blogging about Jared's first day of school. However I need to finish my lunch while the kiddo's are napping. Sorry for the dumb blog, I'm not back into the swing of things yet.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Where is she?


It's about time people. This is just a teaser, I HAVE to go put my soon to be 1st grader to bed. I will try so very very hard to post an extremely long blog about the adventures of us crazy people over here in Lacey.

You heard right, we are now residents of Lacey, Wa.

Till then, ta ta!!!