So I do not know who reads my blogs... but I am glad that people do. Because of this I thought I would do a little something for fun.
I have opened my comments for ANYONE (if you want to remain anonymous or not) to leave me a question. This question could be something you've always wanted to know about me, my family or something you just want to see my answer to. I will TRY to be honest and answer all the questions.
So PLEASE leave a comment, you do not need to sign up to leave me a comment. It can be anonymous or you can leave your name. Whatever you want ask away and I'll answer!
Hows that for interactive!
Monday, June 30, 2008
I have an idea, and I want YOU to participate!!!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 1:20 PM 0 comments
I love my purse (I mean husband)!!!
Check that baby out. Here is one of my guilty pleasures... and a great surprise from my hubby! I got a Douney Bourke purse last year for my birthday (which I LOVE), and on Saturday my lovely husband got me a Coach purse. I don't know why I love these purses so much, but I do. So in my dorkiness I had to share a picture of my gift. You might ask, "What did Mike want in return?" Cause I asked the same thing (hahaha), but he swears he did it because he loves me. And well, I believe him.
On another note... I know that I have been wanting the sun and complaining because of the weather, but this? It is unbearable, and on top of that Anna and I can't really go out and do anything because of her meds and my bumps.
So the babies are sleeping for their morning naps. Jared and Mike are STILL sleeping (they are soooo lazy). Me, well I'm soooo tired but what's a mom to do? In other news, Jared will be 6 in 14 days and I still have planned NOTHING for his birthday! BAD BAD BAD MOM!
Alright, I'm out!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Lets start the week off right!!!
So hello everyone, it's Sunday and we are gearing up for another hot day. Friday my sis came over with Aliester and we went over to Great grandma's to swim... When I say we I mean, Aliester, Jared and Nic. Annalise CANNOT be in the sun right now because of the antibiotics she's on and well I don't want anyone to see my speckled body. Yesterday Nic picked up Jared and they went to the lake. I'm glad that Jared has been able to do some stuff, and have some fun!
So that everyone knows, I have Scarlett Fever. It's caused from strep throat. It is HORRIBLE, it itches but honestly its ugly and it's ALL over my body. I don't say that in any exaggerating tone either, it is every where. All over my chest, up my neck, down my arms, down my stomach and down my legs... even my little feet have spots. I really really really PRAY with all my heart that it starts to go away soon. It's hot out and I don't feel like I can go out in public with this rash all over my body. People are very judgemental and unforgiving, so I stay in my house and pray for this to be over. The times I have ventured out I wear long sleeves and try to block out the looks. I don't wish this on anyone!
Alrighty then. Dylan is back this week and we are off to start the week!!!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:31 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Where do I start?
I'll start off by saying that June has been the worst month we've had in an extremely long time. We have been sick since the beginning of June and it's been HORRIBLE! We are still sick. Lets see... Tuesday Annalise woke up and her cough was getting worse and she had a goopy eye and I had these red bumps all over my body. We don't have a ton of money right now with ALL the appointments we've been to so I decided if anyone was going to the doctors it would be Anna. I tried calling and getting her in that day, but we couldn't get her in until Wednesday. They did tell me that I could just take her into the urgent care, but they did want her to be seen.
Mike got home from work and we talked and he decided since my bumps weren't looking better and Anna wasn't getting better we would just both go in. Well here it is. Anna has an ear infection in both ears and pink eye. I have strep throat again and the bumps are a reaction to the strep! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! I can't even begin to tell you how much money we've spent just going to our appointments this month, that's not even for the bills we will be getting here shortly on top of it. I am so overwhelmed and frustrated and just down right tired. I had no idea about Anna's ears, and maybe that will explain why she has been sleeping like crap. Poor baby, I feel horrible.
Onto other news. Mike is on his way down to Dupont today to test for Statefarm and hopefully just get an interview right after. It's the first place out of all the places he's applied for that have called him back. He just wants to get our of the current place he's in and he says he doesn't care where it is. His sister works there, it's a big place and it'll be a change for him. I just want him to be happy, so whatever that takes I'm all for it. He did say something in the car ride home after running some errands... he said that he just wants to work some place that isn't so negative. Not the people he works with but the fact that he has to find the bad in every person that shops at that store, his job is catching "bad people"... people who steal etc. I guess that could take a toll on someone after doing it for 9 years. Well whatever he does I support him and love him.
So we have 4 more days left in this HORRIBLE month and we are into July. A couple weeks short of Jared's 6th birthday and I have nothing planned and don't know when it'll be. We've been to sick and too tired to even process it and I feel horrible. What's a mom to do? I feel bad for Jared having a birthday smack in the middle of summer and close to a holiday. I really hope that people will be able to attend on short notice, cause I'm a short notice gal!
Ok I'm out people, enjoy your day!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Another day, another day sick!
Still sick, but enough about that! Anna is a basket case... but a cute one at that. It's funny! On my phone I have a ring back tone of "Sexy Back", guess who dances to it? ANNA!!! It is sooooooo freaking cute. The last pic is of Dylan D isn't she cute, we put her hair in a ponytail.
What else? I feel like I'm failing all my avid readers (are there any?) because I have nothing good or new to report.
We are heading to Olympia Sunday to see the family, which I'm happy about. Mike has a test with the Post Office in July and may be getting an interview with Statefarm here soon. He is desperate in getting a new job so keep your fingers crossed he finds something new.
Uh I'm at a loss so I'm out, love you all!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I am so sick and tired of this!
We are freaking sick again here... it's bad! I had such a migraine yesterday that I honestly went to bed at 6pm and was out. Mike took such good care of me though. I honestly feel like I would rather be dead than have to deal with migraines. I am thinking about going to the doctors and getting some help cause I cannot live like this.
As far as our sickness goes we all have really bad colds. Anna isn't able to sleep at night because she cannot breath and suck on her binkie at the same time, so she freaks out! Its so hard because I try to suck the snot out and put drops in her nose and she just freaks out more. So I put baby vicks on her and just wait her out until she clears it and then we go back to sleep. We (Jared, Annalise and I) are coughing and sneezing. What is going on?
Lets see, what else? Annalise is crawling and trying to pull herself up onto things. She has accomplished this in her crib and by pulling herself up on mommy and daddy. It saddens me so much how fast she is growing up. She would rather walk then crawl, she will stand on all fours but is a little to chunky to get all the way up. Plus she has Dylan to watch walk all over so she is trying to be like her. Also in Anna news she says MOMMA all day long and it is sooooo cute!
Ok well that's it for now!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Snif, sneeze and scratch!
These pictures are from this weekend, I think Saturday! Anyway nothing much going on today. Dylan is here and we have planned to go to Danielle's today so the kids can play. Mike is going to be in Spokane this weekend and the kids and I are going to Olympia Sunday for Kaylie's graduation party!
Oh my goodness my allergies are so bad! My throat hurts, my eyes itch and my skin itches!!!
I wish that I had more insightful things to blog about, but it seems as if my head isn't working much... or maybe not much is going on! Enjoy the beautiful pics!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
To cloth or not to cloth!
So for the past week I've been doing research on going to cloth diapers... I want to as part of the whole going GREEN thing... I watched something on my favorite "green" channel and they stated how much you could save on $$ if you switched to cloth diapers. It was a lot, plus what it does to the environment- how could I not? I'm scared of the poo. I breastfeed and those of you who do know what a BF babies poo is like and well it scares me. I am the ONLY one in my house who changes diapers (talk to Mike) and well it just seems like a lot of work and a lot of money to start out.
I've gotten some GREAT advice on a few boards I've looked at, plus I am a new member of CafeMom and I love that site (thanks Audrey)... if you are a mom you should really join CafeMom, it's fun and you get to talk with other moms who may be having the same issues as you and get some great advice to.
So anyway, I know that we are going to be switching here pretty soon and I'll keep you all posted on our progress and how it goes... but I'm scared (is that weird?).
Ok other than poo and diapers we are all on the mend as far as sickness goes. Thank goodness. Jared is out of school and well the rest is pretty much the same. I'm glad that it's Friday, with us being sick it seems as if this week has been extremely long. No real plans for this weekend, we might go with my dad to some beerfest on Sunday but I'm not sure just yet. I'm gonna go, both babies are sleeping so I'm gonna lay my lazy butt (hahahahahahahahaaaa) on the couch!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
And another!
So here are some pics from last night. Jared really wanted to play some baseball with Daddy. So after we picked up Mike's FIXED bike $$ later they made it up the hill and played. Annalise and I followed along (she wouldn't go to sleep)... so there it was. Notice the TINY bat? He found a bigger one after he got super frustrated that he just couldn't hit the ball. He is actually very good and its so fun to teach, since I am (I mean was) a baseball/softball player. The last pic is of me and Anna trying to get a cute pic of us, it's alright I guess.
Oh and have I mentioned? I AM GOING TO THE NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK concert! I am so freaking excited. I remember the first time I went and it was my first concert ever. Who cares that it was what 20 years ago, who cares that they are older now. I was in LOVE with them and they were my favorite, it's a reunion tour and there is no harm in bringing back the 80's!!! I can't, can't WAIT! And the husband can stop making fun of me right now. I'm gonna wear a NKOTB shirt with funky pants, put my hair in pig tails and wear high top HOT PINK shoes, laugh all you want.
Alright enough from me today I must really stop this and focus on the kids!!!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 9:28 AM 0 comments
It's official!
The man has graduated kindergarten and will be the official class of 2020! THAT'S INSANE! I forgot my camera when we were at his ceremony but my mom got some pics so once I get those I'll put them up here, of course. It was so cute and he did so good. I wanted to cry (as I always do) but I fought the tears back!
So he has 2 more days of school and he is officially on summer break and the "fun" begins for me. HA!!! It should be fine but I am going to have to be creative and find some things to keep him busy.
Jared is such an amazing little boy and I am so proud to be his mommy. As much as he drives me crazy he actually melts me... he has a kind soul and is such a smart a**.
Ok well I have some other pics I'm gonna post in a few but I'm gonna rest while EVERYONE but me is sleeping. Enjoy!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
So what's been up!?
Well AGAIN we've been sick, and I mean SICK!!! It started Friday night I got a horrible sore throat. Mike and I woke up Saturday morning and it was bad. We took turns sleeping while the other played with Anna. I had to muster up all the strength I could to take Jared to his last swimming lessons. It was a bad bad bad day. Sunday just as bad, so Mike and I went to the doctors only to find out that we have strep. Our throats were very swollen, Mikes was worse then mine so they put him on steroids! :) We both were put on antibiotics and well the rest is history. Oh and the moral of this story is NO MORE KISSING, hahaha!
My sister took Jared for the day (Sunday), so we just had to deal with Anna. We tried to rest as much as we could. Monday we are starting to feel better. By the late afternoon we decided to clean our whole house to disinfect it from the crap. My energy level is a little better, but I am still so tired. My throat doesn't hurt as bad which is SOOOOOOOOOOO great. I can't even express to you how horrible it has been. It's hard being a mom, I love being a mom but its hard. I still have to take care of the kids even when I'm sicker than a dog. The hubby milked it and got to take more naps then I and was just a baby to! I was taking care of him, driving to Tom Thumb to get us medicine etc... so guess what the hubby did for me this morning!?
At around 6:30am I was woken by him standing next to me with a plate shoved in my face. HE MADE ME BREAKFAST, IN BED! Honestly I think that may be the first time ever he has done that and I was so happy. Luckily to Anna slept through it and I was able to go back to sleep afterwards!
Tomorrow is my sons Kindergarten Graduation... wow can you believe it, he is going to be a first grader? I cannot believe it, it's amazing. His last day of school is Thursday, I am so excited.
Ok so I'm gonna go play with the kids on the floor and spend some time with the hubby. I promise to keep you all more up to date this week, I promise I'm gonna try and not keep getting sick, WHAT IS GOING ON?
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
And then there was Jared!!!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Yeah so the date stamp on the pics is kinda annoying and I have now taken them off of my camera... I didn't realize it was going to take up so much and get in the way of such a great pic! My bad!
So the top picture is yesterday when Anna and Dylan (well just Anna) wanted to play together. Annalise wanted to attack Dylan and I got some funny pics! Annalise is my ham and every time I get the camera out she tries to eat it so the second shot obviously shows her in mid attack! :) Dylan is the little walker in the house, it's so funny she just goes and goes until she falls and then gets back up and walks some more. The last pic was taken while Jared was away at school and Daddy and Anna were having some bonding time. It was cute...
Now you may be asking, "Where is Jared?" Well he doesn't really let me take any pics, so what I took a pic of his latest artwork and then of him. I'm gonna do a separate blog for him so he feels special (cause he is). In that pic you'll see what I mean about him not wanting his picture taken! Ok so before I do the blog about Jared I have to go make him some breakfast and Ms. Anna is sitting on my lap eating daddy's watch and is just about done being patient with me. So I must go............................
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
My new bed!!!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Wow, it's been a while!
We've been busy I guess... what's been new? Well Saturday Jared was supposed to go to swimming lessons, instead we had to take him to the doctors. It seems the little man has pink eye! He's fine but he was soo mad he couldn't go to swimming lessons. Sunday we hung out as a family. We went to lunch/breakfast and then went home for a bit and then Mike told me I could get a new bed. I've been wanting a new bed (headboard/foot board) for well as long as we've been together (7 years) and so we went shopping. We found one at Pier 1 and I love it and I'll have it in my room this afternoon. He also got me a new bed spread to... seems like he's kissing butt doesn't it! (just kidding)
Because Jared has pink eye Tara decided not to bring Dylan today. So Anna and I got up at 6:30am and we just played and had breakfast. She just went down for her morning nap and I'm here blogging. Jared is sleeping and in a little bit I'm going to call his school and see if he's even able to go. It sucks because he only has 2 weeks left of school so I really hope he'll be able to make it.
And on that note, JARED HAS 2 WEEKS LEFT OF SCHOOL! I am so excited. I love his school and I love that he's learning and becoming such a big boy. However this year has been taxing with watching Dylan and Jared only going to school for 2 1/2 hours.. next year he'll be going full days so it'll make our lives easier!
Ok so I'm gonna go, again I have no photo's to post. My mom has my card for my camera and I'm just waiting for her to put the pics on a disk and then I'll be taking more pics! Enjoy your Monday!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:35 AM 0 comments