Thursday, May 29, 2008

My daughter the teether!

I wasn't gonna post anything today until.... I felt inside little Annalise's mouth and what to my amazing wonder was a- TOOTH! I felt it just out of the gums, maybe that's why we've been having such a horrible couple days/weeks.

So there it is my little baby now has a tooth and the teething fun begins. I never had any problems with Jared with teething and nursing... I just have a feeling it's gonna be different with Anna and I'M SCARED!

Welp off to tend to the kids!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nothing new!

Well the kids just went down for their morning naps... today it seems they are sorta on the same schedule. The boys are sleeping, the girls are sleeping, what's a mommy to do?

I honestly have nothing new to blog about, sometimes it seems as if my days are all the same.

I guess the only thing new is Mike is looking for a new job, I guess he's getting bored of working at the same place for over 8 years. We've tossed the idea of moving down to Olympia to be closer to his family but also because the cost of living is cheaper down there. With the way things are right now somethings got to give. I guess we've just decided to put it out there and if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. We've sorta lived our lives like that so whats it gonna hurt?

Jared is doing alright, he's been a little emotional lately and I'm not sure why. Jared and I really really have to do a "mommy and me day!" We've been talking and talking about it but finding the time is hard. His teeth are doing much better and he's been a little trooper about brushing and not eating or drinking things with a lot of sugar.

Annalise wants to crawl so bad, she tries and tries but just can't figure out how to get her one leg flipped around and balance her heavy weight. She is going through separation anxiety pretty bad right now, I can't freaking leave the room with out a melt down from her. I read on Parent Center that all babies go through it some worse than others (about this time). If I remember correctly Dylan did the same thing around this stage to.

Nothing new with me, same ole same ole.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

When the Daddy's gone...

So Mike was gone all weekend and I guess by the top picture Jared was pretty tired. Mommy doesn't let kids sleep till all ours of the day!!! (mean mommy that I am)... no honestly we were pretty busy so I think he was tired! Obviously Saturday we went to the Zoo, Sunday we went shopping and hung out at Auntie's house, and Monday we got up early to go to breakfast!

Annalise is changing a ton... she is so funny and wanting to move around so much. My children are my life and I love them so much!

Back to our regular scheduled week until Jared goes on summer break which I'm sooo excited about! Oh and have I mentioned that Dylan is WALKING?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The day at the zoo!

It's funny I was looking at the picture of me and the kids and I was totally weirded out by the fact that I am a mother of two. Does that seem weird to anyone else? I have the most BEAUTIFUL babies ever!!! Thanks Mom for such a fun filled day!

Our Saturday!

So yesterday was a crazy day... I think that my mom and I didn't really think about what we were going to get ourselves into. It sounded like a good idea, but we also didn't think about who was coming along with us!

We went to the Zoo, but first we had to make a quick pit stop. Target! We had to get a hat for Anna and a different shirt for me and then we ended up getting Jared a shirt to. The problem with that pit stop was the fact that it's not what was on Jared's agenda so he was all sorts of angry. We should have known then what the rest of the day would have been like. :) Ok so after Target we were all hungry and we really couldn't decide where we were going to eat we just knew it wasn't going to be at the zoo, it's so expensive. We decided, well because it's our most favoritest place to go to... Port of Subs, we went back to the one we went to when we lived in Mountlake Terrace back when I was 5.

I swear that my son has ADD, he could not sit still the whole time we were eating. Anyway after eating off we went. Yeah so did I mention that this is Memorial Weekend, never crossed our minds! We got off the freeway and then we should have known how bad it was gonna be. The line to the zoo was all the way to the freeway entrance, it took us probably a 1/2 hour or more to get to the parking lot only to find there was no parking. My mother and I wanted to give up then, we wanted to go to the Seattle Aquarium... but again that little boy of mine (my mom can't say no). We drove down some side streets about 3 or so blocks and squished into some place to park. Off we went!

Another thing I may not have mentioned is that the Zoo is one of favorite places to go. Last year a girl from work gave me a year membership pass to the zoo for me and my family. So we went a few times but had already been a ton of times before. However this time, this Saturday was Annalise's first trip. We've been to this zoo a ton so I had a feeling Jared wouldn't be to interested. He honestly has the attention span of a fly. We started off and it was crazy busy, the first 5 animals we went to see were sleeping (it was a little warm for them I guess). Jared was already talking about how he wanted to buy a toy at the zoo store, HERE WE GO! We walked some more and walked some more he wasn't interested in looking at the animals. Annalise wasn't feeling well so she was sleeping, again so much fun. The people at the zoo are rude and just don't care of others around them, SO MUCH FUN! We had some ice cream after Jared continued to keep saying he wanted some. Anna woke up we ended up at the petting animals part. Anna loved the goats and really loved the mini horses. She got to pet the goats and I got some pictures. I'm waiting for my mom to email them to me so I'll post them once I get them. (if you are reading this send them over!)

So anyway I don't really know how to sum up the whole zoo thing, but I'm thinking the zoo thing is done. We have honestly seen every animal at that zoo way more than once.... we need to find something new to do! After the zoo we headed to dinner. In all though HONESTLY it was fun, it seems sometimes only the annoying or hard times stick out in my mind. I have been negative lately so that's my problem. Annalise was so good the whole time and it was super nice outside and so much fun to get out in the sun and just enjoy life, I really haven't been doing that a ton lately! I have a lot on my mind sometimes it just feels so foggy.

Whelp I REALLY REALLY need to clean my house. Anna just went down for a nap, Jared is playing Wii so I should do something with myself. Mike is gone till Tuesday and I should say it's so tough with him being gone but honestly he isn't around a ton with work and all so it's nothing new to me! I promise that I will post pics of the zoo once I get them!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I don't know what's going on!

** Original post was taken down, sorry!!! **

I will post tomorrow on our fun Zoo day with Grandma! Have a great night everyone, off to bed!

Friday, May 23, 2008

1 pic for now!

Here is a picture of Anna last Saturday when it was hot hot hot out. She is wearing a hat that my little brother Matty gave her... she is supporting St. Louis!!! Mike would not be pleased, ha.

Friday baby!!!

Jared got his tooth fixed yesterday. He was miserable so I'm glad it's done (I think) and he did great. Annalise is a peach and Dylan may be walking!

I'm sad that I haven't posted any pics... but my card on my camera is full and I haven't had the time to post any! I will soon I promise!

Lets see......... Mike is going to be gone this weekend in Yakima with Doug, the kids and I are all alone. We might go to the zoo Saturday, but we'll see.

I was gonna try to post a long blog but the girls have decided otherwise! I'll try more in a bit.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

So I've decided...

I am no longer going to blog about how great Annalise is doing at sleeping etc... All I'm going to say right now is I'm glad I didn't completely give up and trying! :)

Yesterday was BAD and I say that with as much passion as I can muster! I ended up crying along with her and calling my mom who talked to me until she cried it out. I had no other choice, and she did it. She survived and I guess I did. I was so tired yesterday, after Jared went to bed Mike was on his way home and called me. I didn't even hear my phone and when he called for me to open the garage, he had to call like 3 times cause I couldn't hear the phone.

Ok so I have a headache and I've been working on 3 lists for myself today. I have a TO DO list, a "Jamie's personal wants" list, and a "Jamie's wants" list. I'd share whats on the list but Mike just got here with lunch. The babies are sleeping- AHHH PEACE!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have NO idea what to do now!

So I've talked so highly of how well Annalise was doing... I don't know if it was because I was so excited or what but we have completely had a meltdown.

I don't even know how to explain what has happened. She was doing so well laying in her bed and going to sleep. Now when I leave the room she SCREAMS, gets her legs stuck in the crib. I go in fix her, give her her binkie and again we SCREAM! I don't want her to be scared of being in her crib or of her crib. So I rock her then I lay her in her crib, that was working until yesterday and now she'll wake up as I lay her down and SCREAM. Annalise doesn't just cry she cries so much that it sounds like she is hurt. She does this no matter what it is!

Also as of two nights ago she has decided she is not sleeping AT ALL. Last night I really had enough. She will sleep for 1 hour and wake up and cry and cry and cry. I get so frustrated because she will not go back to sleep and she is so sensitive to me. I get irritated and I'm stern with her and I tell her to stop, HA she starts crying more. I didn't get any sleep last night and as of this morning for her morning nap she slept 15 minuets.

So instead of taking steps forward like we have been all week we have COMPLETELY gone backwards and I'm not a happy mom and she's not a happy Anna. If anyone who reads my blogs has any ideas I am up for anything (besides the whole crying it out thing), I'm not ready for that. I don't know what happened or when she decided this change, but I honestly am at the end of my rope! Oh and the fun fun fun thing about last night... after about 15 minuets of Anna crying and FINALLY getting her to sleep Mike comes into the room and wakes me up because Jared is crying. His tooth is hurting him and he's not sure what to do. We put oragel on it and then he cried and cried and then he finally went to sleep. Shortly after I finally went back to sleep guess who woke up? I don't know what the heck is going on, all I know is that I'm not the happiest person on the block!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Gotta love Monday's!

We took a step backwards today! As I've mentioned Annalise has been doing GREAT at going to sleep by herself... however today not so much. I'm not sure if it's cause Dylan is here or the first time she wasn't tired enough or the second time because she was two tired.

I will not give up though, I will keep trying.

Oh and have I mentioned that I HATE MONDAY'S! Dylan is super emotional today and I have a headache!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hot weekend!

Jared had swimming lesson's on Saturday. It was fun but so short and I only have him in 4 classes I think, I hope that's enough. If not I'll just sign him up for more. This weekend sure was a hot one. I'm not gonna complain (even though I was HOT), but it sure was a change from the previous days. Anna did ok, I ended up taking off all her cloths and she was in a diaper the rest of the day.
As for Anna... again KNOCK ON WOOD, she has been doing pretty good at her naps. It seems like it gets a little better and a little better. Today she took a 2 hour nap! :) That's HUGE!!!
Also today my sister in laws came up to see us and it was fun to hang out. They were trying on Mike to get him to move down to Olympia. I want to, I want to be close to them. Plus I'd get to watch Ryker and maybe someday any other nieces or nephews. Jared and Ryker had a great time playing and Anna was cute as always!
Ok I'm off to take a shower and go to bed, Goodnight!

Friday, May 16, 2008

1 HUGE step!

I am so proud of Anna... for as long as my daughter has been alive (7 months) I've always rocked her to sleep... I know that I shouldn't but I do anyway, I treasure those moments.
Well today she decided to be a butt and was moving around getting pissy with me. So I laid her in her crib and said goodnight. I sat outside the door and listened to her. She played and played, cried a few times. I went in gave her her binkie and then left. Eventually (30 minuets later) she fell asleep.

I hope this will be the 1st step to some good things, like SLEEPING through the night or taking longer than 1/2 hour naps!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Crawling, climbing?

So here is my daughter the soon to be crawler/climber. She is trying to do what Dylan does... I honestly am not sure how she even got to the chair. She was sitting on the other side of the carpet and then I turned around and she was at the chair. She watches Dylan everyday and gets so frustrated because she cannot do what she does, and then today she was trying. The second pic is a bit blurry but you get the idea. Every time I tried to take a picture Annalise would try to get me!

So today is supposed to be hot... looking forward to that, we'll get outside to enjoy! We are all starting to feel a little bit better! Well gotta tend to the babies.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Two sick girls!

Here is the pic I took of the girls yesterday. Look at their sad eyes... they so are not feeling well!

Sick, sick and Sick!

I can't find the stupid picture I wanted to post on here... I'm so frustrated! Anyway, I've been gone from blog land for sometime now and it's cause WE ARE ALL SICK! It's horrible. It started with Jared and a little cough and then Annalise got it and I was up with her every night for two whole nights because she couldn't breath so I had to try everything I could to get her comfortable enough to sleep... and nothing helped. Then I got sick, then Dylan got sick..... then Mike and now Tara. We are MISERABLE! It's this horrible cold and I feel like mine is turning into a sinus infection!

Annalise is starting to get a little better. She still has a little cough but is (knock on wood) starting to sleep better at night. Jared is pretty much done with it. The rest of us not so much and it's horrible!

I am so tired and achy and just plain in a bad mood. I really really hope this gets better soon!

So that's all the energy I have to post so I will try more later!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Where did the sun go!?

Ok so I have a ton to blog about today lets see if I can remember all the things I want to write about. Dylan isn't here today so my mind has been free to think!
1st off Annalise is 7 months today. OH MY GOSH! I can't believe how freaking fast it's going. I keep saying that, but it's true. I honestly feel like I blinked and then it's here 7 months later. It's sooooo sad! I mean I am so proud of her and she is so big, but honestly couldn't she have just taken her time just a little? Right now she is trying to crawl but gets so frustrated because she can't. Yesterday she was sitting on the hardwood floor and pushing with her feet while sitting up, and got around a little. She is freaking cute let me just tell you. She has such a great personality!!!
The bottom two pics are of Jared and Anna. Jared tried feeding his sister and he had a great time! It was cute. Annalise loves her brother so very very much!
Ok what else! Going organic and green... well it gets easier and easier for me everyday. It seems that every time we go grocery shopping we get more and more organic. I'm happy to report that Walmart finally is getting on the organic wagon. We went shopping there last weekend and found a ton of great stuff that was organic. So it's been easier and easier for us to keep getting organic with the prices of EVERYTHING going up. It's crazy how much everything is going up. It seems like every time I go to the store the prices are inching up and up.
Have I told you lately that I like cleaning... weird right? Well since I've been home this is my place and I CANNOT stand my house getting messy or cluttered. I get irritated and so I have to clean. Some days I'm to tired to do anything after dealing with Jared, Anna and Dylan so it'll go to the wayside... but then I'm irritated and I have to get it done. So I love it. I haven't ever been like this and it's been a slow process but I love it! Now I just have to get motivated to get the upstairs clean and get my boys to start doing their share. Jared will take his cloths off when he's down stairs (he does not like to wear cloths) and he just throws them on the floor... my boys how I love them! :)
Lets see what else. Mike has been working so much it's like we never get to see him. When he's not working his normal shifts he's picking up overtime and working over night! I hate being home alone with the kids... I am so scared something is going to happen. It's funny Jared will sleep in my room on the couch and we'll lock ourselves in for the night!
Ok I just realized that I'm super tired and Anna is napping so I'm gonna go veg on the couch for a bit. I hope all is well with everyone, and by the way RAIN RAIN GO AWAY!

Monday, May 5, 2008

My son the bike rider!!!

So yesterday after shopping at the mall with the family it was pretty nice out so Jared wanted to ride his scooter... then he comes in crying and he told me, "All my friends can ride without training wheels when is Daddy gonna show me how?" I told him he would just not right this second. I went back into the house to talk with Mike about it and told him that Jared was crying. Mike went out there and was gonna talk with him. Well Jared went a step further and took his training wheels off by himself. I guess he figured that if he did that Dad would have no other choice but to try to show him how.

I was so nervous. We told him he'd probably fall a few times and maybe get hurt... good thing he has a helmet!!! Well I was inside for a second and then all I hear is, good job Jared... The pictures above don't really show him on his own, however HONESTLY it took Jared 3 tries and he is OFFICIALLY a bike rider. He caught onto it like you wouldn't believe and oh my gosh he blew Mike and I away! Today when Mike woke up Jared and him went outside and he rode his bike around, and again no problem. He doesn't even need help starting out!

I am so freaking proud of him and how amazed he is at learning!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Good Morning!

So I've been up since 6:20am... gotta love the babies who like to get up early!!! I believe we are going to brothers t-ball game again today. Mike just got home about an hour or so ago from work and he is in bed. Crazy how we wake up and he goes to bed! Other than that I don't think we have much going on this weekend. I want to try and relax, but that won't happen it never does! Mothers day is coming up in a week, wonder what the fam is going to do for me! :)

Well nothing new to report today, will post more later!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I am so tired!

Not sure what is going on... but Annalise woke up after going to bed around 6:45pm (you may think that's early but honestly our days are sooo long!)... she got up around 10:30 and would not go back to sleep. Around MIDNIGHT, some of you may not think it's a big deal since I stay at home. However I have to get up at 6am or so for Dylan to arrive somewhere around 7. Ok so I figured with Anna going back to sleep around midnight I would be ok, WRONG! She again woke up around 4ish and I swear I just wanted to scream, I don't know what happened but she went back to sleep and we both again got up at 7am.

I am sooo tired. Today has been a hard day. Annalise is super fussy, emotional and well all of the above. Jared has gotten to me and brought me to tears. Dylan has been her normal self... but me I've been on edge. I was getting the girls in the car so we could take Jared to school and as luck would have it I slammed Jared's hand in the car door. Oh my goodness! I decided I just wasn't going to take him to school. I took them to taco bell so I could treat Jared after hurting him and then we came home. Luckily the girls were sleeping so I took them each 1 by 1 upstairs to bed.

Jared and I spent some time downstairs eating and talking trying to figure out how to deal with each other!

The pictures above were from Saturday. My brothers baseball game.