I really need to get outside and go for a walk... but this weather is just horrible. It's so crummy that it's making our days indoors not fun either. I have had a headache for the past couple of days, I'm really really tired and I just need something to jazz things up!
WHERE IS THE SUN! It's May tomorrow isn't it?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Rain Rain go away!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday again?
So here it is another Monday and you might be asking, "Where are the pictures?" Well I don't have any right now. I just haven't had time! This weekend was pretty busy, Saturday was my dads birthday. We went to my little brothers t-ball game then we went to dinner that lasted somewhere between 2 hours or more. Annalise was soooo good since it was like 2 hours past her bedtime. Yesterday I woke up with a horrible migraine so I tried to take it easy. Jared went to church with Lola and Matty and Annalise and I went to Target to get some things and then came home and hung out!
Today is a gloomy day, and this week Mike is going to be working a lot again so we will not be seeing him much!
Lets see anything else... nope. I will try try try and post some pics, until then enjoy this cruddy day!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
So here are a few from our evening! Anna is fussy and Jared won't stop talking!!! I'm tired and my finger hurts! (I cut it while making our organic dinner!) So it's about 6:30pm and I'm going to try and keep Anna awake until 7pm and then we are all off to bed! Goodnight people!!! ps. Anna says thank you to grandma for her fun fun toy!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 6:21 PM 0 comments
It's Monday!
So here it is another Monday... I have no new pics to post yet today but will try and work on that sometime today. Dylan is coming later than normal, but will be staying longer than normal. Should be a great Monday!
Nothing really new this weekend. Hung out with my mother who spoiled her grankids and Sunday spent time with the hubby and kids! He is going to be working some crazy hours this week so we won't really be seeing him a whole bunch, oh sad.
Alright well I'm off to straighten up the house a little and get on with my day. Annalise has her 6 month check up tomorrow so you know I'll post and tell you all about it.
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Can you believe it's snowing?
It's snowing in the freaking middle of April, that is sad! I can't say I'm enjoying it either. I'm desperate to get outside with the girls and get some fresh air and just get out of the house! I want to post some pics but I don't have the energy right now to figure out which ones... so I'll just post something and get on with straightening my house!
Nothing new to report anyway so away I go. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Not sure what I'll be doing, we'll see!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Jared my artist!!!
Jared loves to draw... well Jared loves anything art, just ask my mom! Anyway something came up at his school and we had the opportunity to get him into an art class every Wednesday after school. Well we did it and look at what he did his first day! Oh my gosh how awesome it is. I have never been prouder and he did such a great job!!! My little artist is going places man!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:03 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 10:45 AM 0 comments
A fresh start!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A flower from my son!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Going green and organic!
Ok so for the past month or more I've been wanting and thinking of going green and organic. I want to live better and keep this earth healthy, as well as my family. I've been doing research and talking with people whom I know are doing and have done it.
At first going organic held be back because of the expense... but after doing some research and again speaking with the people I know who have done it, I've learned a few things. I thought since I'm learning so much I'd share with those who maybe want to know or are just interested.
1st thing Annalise has only been on organic since I've started her on baby foods. I figure it'd be easier to start someone on organic who has never been on anything else. She eat Earth's best foods and I get them at Target. Honestly there isn't to much of a price difference. Plus if you go to their website you can get coupons to try and save some money... that I just learned today.
I want to start using products in my house that are not harmful. I don't know why now I'm thinking of this, maybe cause I have babies crawling around on the floor and I'd like for them not to have 3 boobs or something crazy when they are older! So I have learned a few natural ways of cleaning is using: Baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar. I am going to buy a recycled spray bottle and get some lemon juice and use that to clean my counters instead of the Clorox wipes I have been using.
A good fact I learned today to is the 5 musts in organic foods! Milk; Potatoes; Peanut Butter; Ketchup and Apples. I learned that potatoes (one of the foods eaten most) is probably one of the worst as far as chemicals etc goes... So that is one way to work on going organic and not spending a ton of money. My friend Christa was telling me... foods you peel or that are under the ground aren't as bad as lets say apples and the such!
Also I'm leaving the lights off in my house for as long as I can and trying to not use so much energy and water throughout the day. I am also going to try and grow my own foods. Mike says I'm becoming a hippie and I say "what's wrong with that? My children will get to live longer in the world by one small change!"
So there it is a few things I'm working on and trying to get worked into my family. I'm all for being healthy! I'll post more on the things I learn as I learn them. If anyone has any tips or idea's feel free to comment here, I have made it an option for anyone to leave comments (you do not have to have a Google account to leave comments!) Enjoy this lovely sunny day and I'll chat later!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Today, a breath of fresh air!
So here it is Friday, and I was so thankful when I woke up this morning! It was sunny, it was pretty! I had nothing to do besides take Jared to school and pick him up... well besides taking care of Annalise. Mike took his bike to work for the first time today. He went in early so he wanted to take his bike. We finally got it insured and he got some other things he needed... When he got home the kids (I mean Jared, we made Annalise) wanted to sit on the bike... so of course PHOTO OPT! How freaking cute. Annalise liked it and I think it was cause it was yellow!
Oh can I also say that I'm addicted to selling things on EBay. Mike always has from time to time... but just recently we did and got a bunch of money. So I went through Annalise's closet and saw all these things she could not wear and still had tags on... lets just say I'm having fun and we'll see if I make any money!
Ok lets see if there is anything else... nope nothing new to report. Nothing really going on this weekend, I'm going to try and relax...
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Here we go!
Ok so here is a picture of my beautiful daughter sleeping... notice where she's sleeping? In her crib! Yes people here we go!
I moved her crib into my room. Lets just say if you know me you know I'm attached to my children. Right now Annalise is sleeping with me... I don't feel like I can have it any other way. She still gets up anywhere from 2 1/2 hrs to 3 hours every night. I'm tired, I can't keep getting up and getting her and then putting her back to bed. Lazy or not, I can't do it... So I gave in and in my bed she went just like her brother did when he was a baby... But I want to try and break it before she is 3 like Jared. So I've put her crib in our room right next to my bed. I'm going to get her used to sleeping in it and hopefully sleeping through the night and then we are going to work on getting her to fall asleep on her own and THEN... drumroll please! She goes back into her room!
In the meantime, I totally love cuddling with her and listening to her breath. Since she is going to be our last child I want to treasure these moments... they honestly are so precious I don't know what I'm going to do when she doesn't want to lay right next to me, when I won't be able to put my nose on her head and smell her while she sleeps! I am so hopelessly in love with her it's crazy! So tonight we will see how this goes. If she gets up I'll get her feed her and put her back to bed, try try again and we'll see how it goes. KNOCK ON WOOD last night she only got up twice, we'll see and I'll keep you posted!
Alright well I get a 3 day weekend, I'm very excited and it'll give me a chance to get ready for Monday! I hope all is well!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I'm having a crappy day!
Beautiful Annalise at 6 months old! Enjoy her face while I truly enjoy my crappy day! It's one of those days where you want to crawl under a rock. Lets just say Dylan has decided she does not want a bottle, anytime I try to feed her she screams... I'm at the end of my ropes today, it'll be nice to have a break tomorrow! Alright off to fight with Dylan, it seems as if it's the battle of the wills, who ever is stronger and it should be me. All I can say is I LOVE YOU, and pray that's enough to get me through the day!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
6 months old!
6 months to the day my beautiful daughter Annalise Renee was born into our crazy Moline household! I have to say, that was one of the most precious days of my life (always aside when my handsome son was born!)... She has got to be the most amazing thing I know! She is absolutely amazing! Her smile melts my heart, her laugh (which she only lets you get 1 laugh a day!) and all the things she learns... I honestly can't even describe to you what my daughter has done for me!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I'm sad and I LOVE YOU!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
In the life of me!
Here is what I do on a daily basis... I get up anywhere from 6 to 6:30am I go get Mike out of Jared's room so he can lay with Annalise. I jump in the shower just to wake me up, I could honestly careless about washing my hair everyday so I will just stand in the semi hot shower (for some reason the hot water doesn't like to work very well in the morning!) and then I'll get out and get dressed. Sometimes Annalise will be asleep and sometimes not. If she is I'll go down stairs straighten up if I can and make a pot of coffee. I will check my email's and rest before the storm heads over!
If Annalise is awake I'll change her diaper get her dressed and chill with her. Then Dylan arrives, I talk with her mommy for a few minuets and then she's gone and my day starts (There is actually no beginning or ending!). This is usually around 7:00am... around 7:15am I will make Dylan her bottle, feed her. Then she will play with her toys. I patiently wait until around 8am and then Dylan goes down for her nap. She will sleep anywhere from 1 hour to an hour in a half. Usually Annalise is still awake so I'll feed her and then try to get her down for a nap. When she falls asleep I take her and put her in my bed next to her daddy and head back downstairs.
I try to eat breakfast if I haven't already eaten when Dylan/Anna were awake... and pick up the toys for the next round of play time. Ok then Dylan is up and I get her and bring her down put her in the highchair and get her breakfast ready... I patiently try and feed Dylan who can at times be very difficult to get to eat! After she eats then I change her diaper and then she plays! Some where probably in between that Annalise will get up and she'll be chilling in her swing.
A 1/2 hour later or so Dylan will then have her bottle and again play play play! Around 11ish she will go down for her afternoon nap. Annalise doesn't nap much lately so if she does it'll only be for about a 1/2 hour. While Dylan is sleeping I'll hang with Annalise, maybe watch tv, maybe blog... whatever I do it has to be quiet since Dylan is a light sleeper. Once Dylan gets up from her nap I feed her her lunch and then again I change her diaper.
Jared has been on spring break this week so things have been a little bit different and come next week things are going to suck. Every little moment in between Dylan is Annalise between nursing, changing and keeping her occupied to.
I will feed Dylan one more bottle around 2pm and then anywhere between 4 and 4:30pm she will go home!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Our walk!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Oh my goodness!!!
I don't have the energy to post any new pics... I am so tired today! Dylan got here a 1/2 earlier than normal! Yesterday was crazy. Our garage door broke so we had someone over to fix that, we also had the cable company over ALL day fixing something I guess couldn't be fixed... then another cable guy came over (4 people had to come try and fix the problem), and eventually it was fixed!
Annalise is going through something and I'm not sure if she's teething or what. I want to say yes but honestly I have no idea. All I can say is we have a complete melt down a lot. She kept crying and crying (which is sooo not Annalise) and I couldn't get her to stop. I walked around the house, took her outside for fresh air. I did get some teething tablets at Walmart which only helped for a minuet! I don't remember having to hard of a time with Jared and teething, but every baby is different and I've learned that the hard way!
Ok so I've got to tend to the two babies... one in her swing the other crawling around on the floor... oh and did I mention Jared has been on spring break all week? Yes fun! I am going to try and get some energy and get the kids ready for a walk.
I also need to give a big huge shout out to Danielle... she is my saving grace! She loaned me a double stroller, and all though I haven't used it yet I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE EXCITED! I have to say she is the most giving thoughtful friend I have ever had. I've known Danielle since I was in 4th grade, I am now 27- wow I've known her a really long time. Anyway THANK-YOU from the bottom of my heart Danielle for all the things you've given me and all the advice you've given me.
Off I go to deal with the kids, enjoy your day. I see sun, you have no idea how excited that makes me!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A few more from Saturday!
Here's a few more pictures from Saturday... Aunt Mandy and Annalise and below Ryker and Jared taking a bath. Jared loves Aunt Mandy's bath so him and Ryker had to go swimming. I wasn't in there watching but I guess that Jared was teaching Ryker to drink the UCKY bath water and be a little crazy!!! All I know is they had a blast!!!
Enjoy this Tuesday, mine better be a little better than yesterday! I see the sun so maybe we'll go for a walk!
Posted by Crazy Mom of 2! at 7:22 AM 0 comments